How to install
Quick Guide

Quick Guide

This part contains some examples that help you get to use DevMic quickly. After passing through these examples you will know how to create and compile a project with DevMic, debug it with ProEmulator and getting some knowledge about writing software for microcontrollers. 

Example 1: Create a simple project

1. Start DevMic by running (DevMic directory)\devmic.exe 

 2. Choose File > New > Project… to create a new project


 3. Choose Intel MCS51 family and type the name of the Project. Click OK. Then choose directory where you want to save the project.

 4. Press F9 or choose menu Execute à Compile to compile the project. If everything is OK, you will see the Project1.ihx file in your project’s directory.


5. Now, we will show you how you can debug your project with PROEmulator. Run PROEmulator in the (DevMic directory)\micro\ProEmulator\ProEmulator.exe. Then choose menu File > Load HEX File…


6. Choose file Project.ihx in your project’s directory, then click Open (the binary format of Intel MCS51 is *.ihx)


7. Click icon Run to begin simulating the operation of the Intel MCS51 family.  Click icon Stop to stop the simulating. Choose Data memory and click Memory Walker, you will see



 It means that everything’s coming together. Now let’s move on to the next example.

 Example 2: Test some kinds of variable

1. We declare one integer variable (located in Data Memory), one pointer of character (located in Xdata Memory) and three bits

2. Compile it and run PROEmulator. After load test.ihx, click Run icon and Stop icon, you will see


The value at 0x08 is 0A in Hexadecimal (10 in Decimal). 3 bits in the program form a number in binary: 101. It equals to 05 in Hexa. The bit addressable memory consists of 128 bits which are located from 0x20 to 0x2f in data memory. Therefore you see the value 05 at 0x20. Turn to the Xdata Memory, the value at 0x40 must be 0FF. 


Now let’s move to more complex examples.


Example 3: Write data to Xdata Memory

 1. The objective of the program is write data onto the Xdata Memory from 0x40 to 0x49. The value at 0x40 is 1, the value at 0x41 is 2… the value at 0x49 is 10. 


2. Compile it and use PROEmulator to check. 

Example 4: Inline assembly 

1. The last example is rather interesting; it will show you how to add Inline Assembly to your source. The objective of the program is to assign 12 to DPTR register, move 0x0A to R0 and assign the value 0x10 to the memory whose address lies in R0. 


2. Compile it and use PROEmulator to check 


You see in SFR, the value of DPH, DPL are 00, 0C respectively. It means that the value of DPTR is 0x0C in Hexa or 12 in Decimal.

In Registes, R0 = 0x0A and at 0x0A the value is 0x10.  

OK. Our examples have given you an overview about DevMic and its features. Now it’s time for you to start building your own projects with DevMic.

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DevMic is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.